IFAC Young Author Award
In order to stimulate the involvement of young scientists and engineers in IFAC, as well as to recognize top-level contributions of the younger generation in the field and to support their careers, an IFAC Young Author Award will be awarded for the best paper of which the first and presenting author satisfies the eligibility criterion and is the main contributor of the research results in the paper. The award (monetary prize) will be announced on the website of the symposium. The winner as well as all finalists are provided with a certificate from IFAC.
An award selection committee, appointed by the IPC chairs, selects the finalists, on the basis of the review reports and the oral presentations. Finalists are informed before the event.
Eligibility criteria
The candidates must present the paper at the conference as the first author and must be maximum 30 years old at the time of the event.
To apply for the award, it is necessary to send an e-mail indicating the willingness to apply to the award with a short CV including a description of the research topics (PDF file) within April 5th, to: cts2021 AT univ-eiffel.fr
Please indicate “Young Author Award Nomination” in the e-mail subject.
The finalists are:
- Raffaele Soloperto (Univ. of Stuttgart, Germany) for his paper "A Control Framework for Autonomous E-Scooters"
- Ouail Himrane (Univ. Gustave Eiffel, France) for his paper "Toward Formal Safety and Performance Evaluation of GNSS-Based Railway Localisation Function"
- Joost Jeschke (TU Delft, Netherlands) for his paper "Parametrized Model Predictive Control Approaches for Urban Traffic Networks"
And the winner is: Raffaele Soloperto. All our congratulations.